2007年8月17日 星期五


尋日b頭犯罪之後, 就出左小露台坐監一晚!!!

呢個係我地之前由動物溝通家 - rosina同b頭講清楚嘅徽罰!!! 而且, 無零食一星期~~~


part 1, part 2!!


唉..... 呢個都唔係一個可以立即解決嘅難題!!

我同b頭講左叫佢都自己考慮下想點!! 到底係改過自新定係寧願離開我? 

同5e傾過, 可能再請rosina黎同b頭傾下!!!

唉~~~ 始終都係一家人呢.....

ps: 今晚同老爺講嘅電話好感動好窩心呢~~~ 多謝晒你同奶奶都無嬲b頭, 仲幫佢求情!! 真係好sorry & thank you呀!!

17 則留言:

  1. 難得屋企人gum體量又原諒B頭, 比我都感動

  2. seems like now is a good time to negotiate BB to boot camp la... He made a HUGE mistake and he HAS to do somthing to make up for it... Biting is no go ga ma, he already knew. He lost control, but we all still LOVE him very very much. But it proved that he needs something more to help him control his temper wor. If you need extra $$ for boot camp, I could sponsor you. THere is no excuse left for not letting him go boot camp anymore la, rash or no rash, BB you bit. therefore we take you to boot camp. We all want to have you around. We love you and therefore we want you to go through training, otherwise we would hv left you a long time ago. Just know that We all love you, BB!!

  3. b 頭咬邊個呀? 一直養開0既狗狗, 通常唔會無緣無故咬人個喎.....

  4. please don't give him up, pls give pet BB another chance, everyone deserve another chance to prove themselves.  Yes biting is bad bahaviour and should be punish (I agree with your action of let Pet BB stay out in balcony for him to calm down & reflect on his wrong).  try to imagine from pet BB angle - he always had your total attention & love, until your baby son's arrival.  Pet BB is kind of like your elder child, not understand why suddenly all attention turn to baby son, and got jealous, Pet BB is trying to cope with the new living arrangement  too - with your patience & love, I'm sure Pet BB will understanding eventually and accept baby son as part of the family, just like Pet BB has always been part of your family.  I can tell you really love Pet BB too, so patiently having a heart-to-heart talk with him about his wrong action, allowing both you & Pet BB to calm down - there is always solution to every difficult situation, Cary, just calm down first, try think of all reasonable solution to help each other so Pet BB and the whole family will be together - there is always a way.  Kids & pet dog can live in happy harmony together, it is true! I really like your parents-in-laws so kind & loving to say good words of Pet BB, so many people love your family & Pet BB, all wanting your whole family stay together - with love & patience, the WHOLE family can solve anything - pls don't give up Pet BB - in our human eyes, Pet BB is a pet dog, but in Pet BB's eyes, you are his whole world!  his everything! - his mummy, his family, his most trustful person in his whole world! Good luck and all the very best wishes to your family & Pet BB :)

  5. 嘩... 睇左你的part 1 part 2 report,可能我唔熟d 寵物,咩宜家有人可以同動物咁樣溝通o既咩?講到好似通靈咁o既? 其實我覺得狗狗無做錯,狗的其中一個本能就係咬... 佢之前都有咬開人,我諗你希望佢以後都唔咬人,就算唔係無可能,都唔係短期內做到的事。如你打算繼續keep 住佢,若好似其他人講話要長期困佢在露台,我自己覺得對狗狗好唔人道。狗係需要大空間生活的動物,佢只係發揮自己的本能,就要長期坐監 (雖然你地都應會繼續帶佢出街散步),所以長此下去,對狗狗都唔公平。 無論你最後決定係點,希望你都可以解決到呢個煩惱啦!

  6. Cary~原諒B頭一次啦! 佢知錯架喇!

  7. 我睇哂你既part 1 & part 2啦~我覺得好神奇呀! 俾多次機會佢啦, 希望B頭會改過

  8. 我都有去睇part 1 & 2呀,覺得好神奇同埋好多疑問 個專家係咪同B頭講英文架,同埋B頭咁叻既又識聽既 不過真係第一次聽到原來人係可以同狗狗溝通架bor 仲可以知佢唸咩..真係好得意呀

  9. 比多次機會B頭啦!我都有隻狗,以前好乖好cute,而家放係公司養,點知佢搬家後,馮人入公司都咬,至到而家我都唔知點解,好難搞佢都12-13 years old,之前我都睇過有D周刊介紹,我想問幾錢呀?????

  10. 真係好神奇呀~~

  11. http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/eva091483   我妹妹個狗仔BLOG

  12. 好耐冇上黎,你都好耐冇上黎喇 其實B頭好乖,只不過佢性格有D怪,不如你搵 rosina睇多次啦,問你佢對BB既睇法,話佢知仔仔同佢係一家人,仔仔係佢既細佬,叫B頭照顧下BB,你2個都錫,而家多左個B,你都唔知佢畸諗啦 仲有B頭係男定女??其實佢好靚,人見人愛 我想問下點可以搵到 rosina,我阿妹隻狗成日咬人,又同自己個仔打架,打到牙都冇晒咁滯,搵 rosina一次幾多$?? 我妹妹個狗仔BLOG http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/eva091483

  13. cary 你唔好嬲佢啦..佢無心架 ~~~

  14. 冇法啦...b頭爭寵呀, 你阿b搶哂佢0係你地心目中0既地位...佢咪唔like咯...我媽咪屋企隻北京次次見到都勁吠, 有時都驚佢唔妥阿b咬啖佢...

  15. cary, 你肯去搵rosina同bb對話已經証明o左你係一個負責任o既狗主, 放心啦!! 有你同屋企人o既體諒, 我相信慢慢來...俾bb適應o下,有仔仔的日子, 佢會慢慢表受所有o野的. 記住唔好放棄呀!! support u~~~

  16. 真係好神奇喎, 我奶奶家有頭麻煩狗, 我都唔知點算好....

  17. 就算rosina再同佢傾,我覺得結果也是一樣,佢promise唔再犯,但再犯o禁點呢? 下一次可能係bb喎! 我覺得有風險囉! 唔可以每秘鐘都睇住bbo架嘛!
