2006年11月24日 星期五

Thanks Rosina!! (Part 2)


Rosina: 「no! he just needs some air and private time! No problem」  ( 唔係唔lumlum就ok啦) 


Rosina: 「no! he doesnt feel smelly!!」


Rosina: 「Yes!! He knows that you are pregnant!! You must be very careful as he is not trusted!! He might hurt the baby」  ( 佢一早知我有baby啦!可能早過我知!話要好小心!因為BB信唔過!可能真係會傷到baby) 


Rosina: 「I send him a picture of baby and he turns his head!!」  ( 佢地溝通會用圖畫!BB見到baby圖就擰轉面唔睇!而見到學行baby大少少就望下!好少少!) 


Rosina: 「不過唔洗咁擔心住! 仲有8个月時間同佢溝通同話佢知唔會唔理佢!一樣咁鍚佢!仲可以攞ultra sound比BB睇!出院前仲可以攞D有baby味野比佢聞! 」 


Rosina: 「He doesnt feel boring when he is alone at home! dont think of buying a new puppy to be with him!!」  ( BB唔覺得悶!千其唔好打算買新狗仔陪佢) 


Rosina: 「Is that someone pass away??」 

我﹕「Yes! It is  a cat! Is it better if I give you a photo of Simba?」  (跟住我就擺左本愛書You can heal Your Life出黎,然後攞Simba同Loulou張相比Rosina睇) 

Rosina: 「Oh My GOD! This is a magical cat!! A very special and spiritual cat!! TEll Lou that it wil lnever leave her forever! His energy is still there!! It saved and healed Lou in some ways already!」  ( Simbaba 係好神奇好有靈性嘅貓!佢永遠唔會離開Lou同已經幫左同醫左Loulou一啲野!) 

我﹕「Did he come back and visit BB? Does BB know Simba has gone? 」

Rosina: 「佢都有黎過探BB!! 動物嘅空間感同人唔同!!所以無話死左定點??? 」 (唔太明白!! ) 

我﹕「How about BB? Is he spiritual?」

Rosina: 「BB係相對地grounded一D!佢地一齊大時, Simbaba都有教到佢一d野!!  」 


Rosina: 「He shows me some smelly thing? Maybe it is some chemicals in the cleaner?」(BB話有啲難聞嘅味!可能係對清潔劑嘅某啲化學成分敏感) 

我﹕「Oh!! the Pet shop guess this too!! So i have changed it already」 

Rosina: 「He shows me he doesnt like crowded place? Dont bring him to the street with crowds」(BB唔鐘意多人) 

我﹕「I guess he is talking about too many people in our home!!」 (我估BB講緊唔鐘意屋企太多人) 

最後講數解決佢個biting problem:

(一講到呢部份BB就入廚房唔傾了!! 之前一直在旁邊一齊坐的) 

我﹕「我決定如果佢再咬人(不論有無流血, 總之佢意圖咬人的話), 都會立即捉佢出露台而且關門困住佢係出面overnight一晚, 然後1星期無零食!! 如果乖乖地當然日日有野食同lumlum啦!!」

Rosina: 「so I will send him these by pictures!!」(佢閉目同BB溝通) 「I am sorry!! I have to ask you a question first! Did you say you wont keep him if he Bite again??」(佢問我有無話唔要BB了, 如果佢再咬人)

我﹕「Yes! 前兩晚佢又咬老公時我好傷心好忟憎喊住同佢講的!」  (又係BB自己話比Rosina知) 

Rosina: 「He knows that biting will upset you, and he is not a lier! He said he really bit before! And sorry that I have to ask if you always cried before this time??」  ( BB知佢咬人令我好唔開心!佢無講大話,佢承認自己有咬人!Rosina話有d狗仔會話"no!!! 我無咬過人"!!! 跟住又問: 咁你以前會唔會成日喊?)

 我﹕「Yes! Before I quited my job!! I always cry!」  (Yes!! 我以前返工辛苦成日喊) 

Rosina: 「Because he said that mama always cry before la!!! not because of me la!!?」  ( BB話: 媽媽以前都成日喊啦!! 都唔係關我事啦!!!衰野... 駁咀!! 但好好笑!! )

最後rosina重複同BB講左幾次!! 佢算係應承左!! 而rosina亦建議我同老公一齊搵個 dog trainer教下BB規矩同教下我地Control佢!! 而且話BB啲牙仔可能要check下!


