Thanks Rosina for talking with us for such a long period of time!!
Thanks Rosina for negotiate with BB about his biting problem!!
Thanks Rosina for telling us about Simbaba is such a special and spiritual cat!!
首先Rosina話BB係一隻好dominant, strong will同aggressive嘅「人仔」,唔係狗仔,佢當自己係人!
跟住佢話BB當自己細個啲 : "I feel I am five"!! But 事實上佢係7歲了!
第1題有關去Pet Shop冲涼嘅問題:
Rosina: 「佢唔鈡意其他狗!係鬧交!一定會打交!唔理其他狗幾大隻佢都會打
Rosina: 「No!! You are right~ He must fight and he might die!!! You must control him!! Also he feels your fear and guilt, so he can control you!!」 (打中文好攰,因為回想起佢嘅對話都係英文!总之佢話我要好有信心同好堅持咁控制住佢!攞番個control!唔好驚!)
Rosina: 「Yes! 但行少少散下步! 唔係長途行山嗰啲」
Rosina: 「But he knows that your husband is permanent! he wouldnt be changed! Not like friends in and out in your life!! It is different」 (BB知老公係永久同固定嘅!so 唔同, 唔lumlum)
Rosina: 「no!! He likes Wai but he cant stand the jealous feeling sometimes and wanna bite him! But biting is NO GO!!! He mustnt do this!! I have to negotiate with him later!! You should think of the punishment and a naughty room to losk him in when he bites again 」 (佢唔係唔鐘意老公! 但有時妒忌同唔lum就咬佢!總之咬人係完全唔容許!要我先決定如何罰佢同困住佢係一个地方如佢再犯!等佢地一陣間講數)