2006年11月23日 星期四

Communication with BB ^.^

好lumlum! 好開心! 好特別嘅一個experience!!!


大家一齊坐係地下!同BB一齊傾!除左講有關BB嘅野之外,我地仲傾左Simbaba, Louise Hay, TM, reiki等等好多野!老公放工返來仲可以一齊傾添!


Questions to BB   23rd Nov.2006


Do you like bathing in the Tsuen Wan Pet Shop?


Do you like going out to walk around in the street?


Do you want to play with other dogs?


Why do you bark loudly whenever you see other dogs?


Will you fight with the other dogs? (I am afraid that you will get hurt)


Why did you bite people?


What are the reasons that make you bite Wai (my husband) several times?


How do you feel about Wai? Does he treat you well?


Do you know that it hurt and frightened me when you bit others?


Why do you hide yourself in your toilet outside the balcony?


Do you know that I am having a baby?


Will you treat my baby well?


Are you boring when we go out and you stay alone at home?


Do you like living here?


Do you still remember Simba? Did he visit you?


What do you dislike most?


Why do you always have irritated dummy? What are you allergic to?


Is there something you wanna tell me? Or you want me to know? ^.^


而Rosina都一一解答!最後, 為解決佢咬人嘅問題要同佢講條件時,佢唔啱聽,走左入廚房!威威影左呢个角度嘅我地同BB!


下集預告: 我會詳細寫低今晚我地嘅對話!同BB嘅答案!仲有Rosina講有關Simbaba嘅野!

